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PRP Therapy

Platelet-rich plasma (PRP) therapy is an increasingly popular treatment that helps a variety of conditions, including the treatment of injuries.

What is PRP Therapy?

Using blood cells from our bodies, we can add extra platelets to damaged areas, which speeds up the recovery process.

The body is very resilient and able to heal itself most of the time, but occasionally, it needs a little help. As we grow older or when we become injured, our tissues, tendons, and ligaments do not heal as quickly as they used to. Platelet-Rich Plasma injections can provide a much needed boost to your body’s healing process.

Inflammation can also cause all kinds of issues in the body and healing may not be as quick as it once was. If the damage is severe enough, healing may not be possible without some kind of treatment.

Platelet-Rich Plasma injections may be the answer. These treatments (also known as PRP injections) have been shown to provide a “jump start” to the body’s healing process. Over the past few years, studies have shown positive results for patients.

There are two primary ways methods of use:

Injection: Injected PRP is a common way of dealing with localized injuries. When injecting, using imaging technology is extremely important to ensure that the patient receives the PRP where they need it. For instance, let’s say a patient is recovering from a severe muscle injury in their arm. The medical practitioner will locate the exact location, draw blood, run that through centrifugation, and inject it into the muscle tissue to aid the body in its recovery.

Surgery: A more recent development in PRP therapy is its use during surgery, particularly to repair a soft tissue injury. For example you tear your anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) and need surgery. The recovery from an ACL tear can last longer than a year depending on the severity of the tear, so using PRP may speed up the tissue repair process. Instead of injections, you can actually have PRP integrated into the torn tissues during surgery. This will help the tissues heal at a faster rate. There has also been some experimentation with using PRP during surgeries for broken bones, but no conclusions have been made about its effectiveness.

How is PRP Therapy administered?

1. Blood Sample Taken

First, a sample of blood is taken from the patient. Depending on the amount of platelets needed, a small vile or up to a pint of blood may be taken.

2. Plasma Extracted

Next, the blood is placed in a centrifuge device which allows for the blood to be separated into its various elements. Once separated, doctors can extract the plasma for injection.

3. PRP Injected

Finally, the PRP is injected. The plasma, full of healing platelets, is carefully injected into the body right where it is needed the most. Doctors use a precision needle and ultrasound technology to pinpoint the best place for the injection.

4. Healing Process Begins

Over time, the platelets in the plasma go to work to promote healing of the muscle, tendon or ligament where they were injected. Typically, 5 to 10 times as many platelets will be injected compared to the number of platelets that are in the injured area. These high concentrations of platelets are the key to the healing process.

Learn more about PRP Therapy and how AZ Pain and Spine Institute uses it to treat conditions and alleviate pain.

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Why choose AZ Pain and Spine Institute for your treatment?

We are a team of pain management doctors and specialists. Our physicians have double board certification in their chosen fields and have undergone additional fellowships in pain management. Our professionals have also received advanced medical training in minimally invasive spinal procedures and pain management, including PRP Therapy.