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Joint Injections

Joint injections alleviate pain and reduce inflammation in joints caused by arthritis and other conditions.

What are joint injections?

Joint injections are a treatment designed to alleviate pain in joints caused by gout, tendinitis, bursitis, and various kinds of arthritis, including rheumatoid arthritis, psoriatic arthritis, and osteoarthritis. They can be administered to any major joint such as the hips, knees, shoulders, elbows, wrists, and hands.

Joint injections are typically a corticosteroid. This steroid helps reduce inflammation and swelling in the impacted area, allowing the joint to move more freely and with a significant reduction in pain.

While joint injections are not a permanent solution, they can alleviate pain for several months, providing much-needed relief for patients suffering from chronic pain. The reduction in pain can also make physical therapy possible when it otherwise would have been too painful.

How are joint injections administered?

Arizona Pain and Spine Institute offers several kinds of joint injections, including Facet Joint Injections and Sacroiliac Joint Steroid Injections. While each specific treatment will have its own procedure, joint injections typically involve the following:

1. Joint Located

Depending on the specific procedure, the patient will be asked to lie on their stomach or back on the examination table. The doctor will then feel the affected area and use fluoroscopy to get an accurate view of the joint.

2. Needle Inserted

Once the injection site is determined, the doctor will clean the skin and administer a local anesthetic. With the aid of fluoroscopy, the doctor will guide the needle into the correct position.

3. Steroids Injected

After the needle is in position, the doctor will connect a syringe that administers a mixture of steroids and anesthetics into the joint. This procedure bathes the painful area in medication and alleviates pain and swelling.

4. End of Procedure

After the procedure is finished, the doctor pulls the previously inserted needle and dresses the injection area. Patients are then allowed to go home to recover, which is typically a short process. Most patients experience pain relief within just a few days of the injection, if not immediately.

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Why choose AZ Pain and Spine Institute for your treatment?

We are a team of pain management doctors and specialists. Our physicians have double board certification in their chosen fields and have undergone additional fellowships in pain management. Our professionals have also received advanced medical training in minimally invasive spinal procedures and pain management, including Joint Injections.