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Chronic Anxiety

According to the American Institute of Stress, approximately 77% of people experience anxiety that affects their physical health and 73% of people reported that stress impacts their mental health.

What is chronic anxiety?

Chronic anxiety is a constant, prolonged feeling of anxiety that negatively impacts your health if not treated. This type of anxiety is caused by modern lifestyles such as high-pressure jobs, family responsibilities, and/or traumatic experiences.

Chronic anxiety occurs when the body repeatedly experiences stressors that the autonomic nervous system is unable to activate the relaxation response regularly. This leaves the body in a constant state of physiological arousal that includes increased heart rate, increased breathing, vision changes, and more.

What are the symptoms of chronic anxiety?

Chronic anxiety impacts both the mind and the body and the symptoms of stress will vary in severity from one person to another. The most common signs of chronic anxiety are:

  • Aches and Pains
  • Decreased Energy/Fatigue
  • Difficulty Sleeping
  • Feelings of Helplessness or Loss of Control
  • Frequent Illnesses and Infections
  • Gastrointestinal Issues
  • Headaches or Muscle Tension
  • Irritability, Nervousness, and Anxiety
  • Trouble Concentrating

What causes chronic anxiety?

Chronic anxiety can have a variety of medical, environmental, and hereditary causes. Each individual case of chronic anxiety may be caused by a combination of unique factors. These causes may include:

Medical causes:

  • Heart disease
  • Diabetes
  • Drug, alcohol, and medication withdrawal or abuse
  • Irritable bowel syndrome
  • Chemical imbalances

Environmental causes:

  • Traumatic events, especially as a child
  • Stress accumulation

Hereditary causes:

  • Family history of anxiety disorders
  • Pre-existing mental health problems such as depression

Because chronic anxiety does not have one specific cause, every individual’s unique temperament and personality also factor into the risks of developing symptoms.

How is chronic anxiety treated?

Chronic anxiety is typically treated by psychotherapy, medication, or by a combination of the two.

Psychotherapy methods may include Cognitive Behavioral Therapy. This kind of treatment involves working with a therapist to identify and overcome negative thought patterns related to anxiety. This may be paired with Exposure Therapy in which patients are given safe opportunities to face anxiety-inducing situations and memories so they are better equipped to handle them in the future.

Anti-anxiety medications, such as benzodiazepines, can be effective at managing symptoms in the short term. However, because tolerance for these medications can be built up quickly, they are often tapered off and/or substituted with antidepressant medication. Antidepressants alter your brain’s response to certain chemicals and can be an effective treatment for anxiety conditions. Lastly, beta-blockers may be prescribed to help manage symptoms like rapid heart rate, shaking, and trembling.

AZ Pain and Spine Institute
Anxiety Treatments

Here at Arizona Pain and Spine Institute, we improve our patients’ quality of life by alleviating and managing their pain. Some of our Anxiety treatments include:

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Why choose AZ Pain and Spine Institute to treat your Anxiety?

We have a team of medical practitioners, pain management doctors, and staff who are experts on pain management, including Anxiety. We use state-of-the-art technology and effective approaches in achieving our mission. We care about your well-being and are committed to making your life pain-free.